how to become a Blogger Course #2

Hello Friends, Today In the 2 part of blogging course and welcome to all new friends today’s lesson you will learn about the how to become a Blogger. What is the great way to start your blog?  And what topic you choose to start your blog so move on our 2 part of this course :


If You Not Read Our First Part Of This Course Click This Link:
What is blogging?

Credit goes to Susan Gunelius writer of the book Blogging All-in-One For Dummies

Choosing The Right Topic:
The first step to starting a blog is choosing your blog’s topic. Most blogs are dedicated to a particular subject. For example, you can find blogs about entertainment, crafts, sports, business, and many other topics Take some time to surf the blogosphere and find out what kind of blogs are already out there. Does it matter to you, based on your long-term blogging goals, if there are already a lot of popular blogs written about your topic of choice? Does competition for traffic affect your objectives? You need to ask yourself these questions before you finalize your blog topic selection 

Review Popular Blog Topics:
Take a look at this list of more popular blog topics:
Some of the most popular blogs are about celebrity gossip and information for fans. 
Many bloggers write movie reviews and about news related to the production of upcoming movies. 
 You can find many fan blogs dedicated to favorite television programs. 
 Many sports fans have blogs dedicated to their favorite sport, team, player, and so on. People even write blogs about local sports, their children’s teams, or teams they play on recreationally. 
People blog about every business-related topic you can imagine — from marketing to taxes, small business to the corporate world, and everything else in between. 
There is almost no political topic that is off limits in the blogosphere. 
Many people are very passionate about their hobbies. Whether they surf, cook, skydive, or knit, they can find a place to share their ideas and opinions in the blogosphere. 
 Current events and news: 
Breaking news and current events are popular blog topics for people who like to be the first to spread the word or simply like to lead conversations about what’s happening around their towns, their countries, or even the world.
 Personal opinion:
 Anything goes (within reason, of course) on a personal opinion blog. Use your imagination! 
Whether people travel professionally or just for fun, or even if they simply wish they could travel, the blogosphere provides them with a place to talk about it.

 Determining the best topic for your blog: 
Considering all the topics you could write about on your blog can be overwhelming. Take a deep breath. There are ways to pick the best topic for you to write about on your blog.

Blog about a topic you most love it 
First, you need to think about the subjects that you feel passionately about. When you blog, you need to be able to write about that topic a lot. That means you shouldn’t pick a topic that you’re likely to get bored with quickly. There’s not much point in starting a blog that you’re going to abandon in three months because you’re already tired of the subject matter. Instead, pick a topic that you know you’ll be able to write about for many, many months (and possibly years) to come.

 Blog about a topic you like to discuss with other people:
An inherent and powerful feature of blogs is the commenting feature, which invites readers to provide their own thoughts related to the posts you publish. To be a successful blogger, you need to engage your readers by showing them you value their opinions. Whether or not they agree with you, you need to actively join the conversation by responding to their comments and creating an ongoing dialogue. 

Blog about a topic you like researching and reading about it:
 An important part of being a successful blogger is staying abreast of what’s happening on your blog topic. You need to be willing to keep reading and discovering new things about your topic. Doing so will give you ideas for blog posts, keep your blog fresh, help you network with other bloggers, and help you build relationships with both your readers and other bloggers.

 Choose Your Voice: 
One of the reasons people enjoy writing and reading blogs is the personality behind them. Each blogger has a unique writing style and personality that shines through their blog posts. That unique element is called the blogger’s voice, and it’s something you need to consider before you begin writing your own blog.

 Writing Great Content Blog Posts:
 An essential part of your blogging success is publishing great content, and this holds true no matter what type of blog you write or what goals you have for your blog. (You can find some specific tips for writing posts for niche blogs and business blogs in Chapter 4 of Book II and Chapter 4 of Book III, respectively.) That means your posts must be well written, interesting, and entertaining. The first step to writing great blog content is injecting your personality into your posts. (Read the earlier section, “Choosing Your Voice,” for details.) Your blog post should not only interest your readers, but also encourage them to talk more about it by leaving a comment, writing and linking to your post from their own blogs, and return to your blog to read more of your content in the future.


Writing meaningful and interesting content:
 Select blog post topics that are meaningful and interesting to your blog’s audience. If people aren’t interested in the posts you’re writing on your blog, they’re unlikely to keep reading or ever return. Always consider your audience before you write a new blog post.

Understanding The Best Types of Blog Posts:
 Take a look at my explanations of types of blog posts:
Lists are one of the most popular types of blog posts. People love lists! 
 Current events:
 Do some research and find out what’s going on in the world related to your blog topic and then publish a post about those events. 
People love to get insider tips or expert tips. If you have a specialized knowledge, share it through a blog post where you provide that knowledge as a series of tips. 
Bloggers are considered to be online influencers and a powerful source of word-of-mouth marketing. The reason is simple. Research shows that people trust other people more than they trust traditional advertising. You can review anything related to your blog topic in your blog posts, and your readers are likely to be happy to read that content and possibly share it with other people.
I hope you enjoy and learn from this 2 part of this course and the next part you will learn a lot of interesting things and I hope you will also enjoy 3 part of this course. Good Bye


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